白水老人 百 孝 經



百 孝 經
天地重孝孝當先,一個孝字全家安 孝順能生孝順子,孝順子弟必明賢
孝是人道第一步,孝子謝世即為仙 自古忠臣多孝子,君選賢臣舉孝廉
盡心竭力孝父母,孝道不獨講吃穿 孝道貴在心中孝,孝親親責莫回言
惜乎人間不識孝,回心復孝天理還 諸事不順因不孝,怎知孝能感動天
孝道貴順無他妙,孝順不分女共男 福祿皆由孝字得,天將孝子另眼觀
人人都可孝父母,孝敬父母如敬天 孝子口裡有孝語,孝婦面上帶孝顏
公婆上邊能盡孝,又落孝來又落賢 女得淑名先學孝,三從四德孝在前
孝在鄉黨人欽敬,孝在家中大小歡 孝子逢人就勸孝,孝化風俗人品端
生前孝子聲價貴,死後孝子萬古傳 處世惟有孝力大,孝能感動地合天
孝經孝文把孝勸,孝父孝母孝祖先 父母生子原為孝,能孝就是好兒男
為人能把父母孝,下輩孝子照樣還 堂上父母不知孝,不孝受窮莫怨天
孝子面帶太和象,入孝出悌自然安 親在應孝不知孝,親死知孝後悔難
孝在心孝不在貌,孝貴實行不在言 孝子齊家全家樂,孝子治國萬民安
五穀豐登皆因孝,一孝即是太平年 能孝不在貧和富,善體親心是孝男
兄弟和睦即為孝,忍讓二字把孝全 孝從難處見真孝,孝容滿面承親顏
父母雙全正宜孝,孝思鰥寡親影單 趕緊孝來光陰快,親由我孝壽由天
生前能孝方為孝,死後盡孝徒枉然 孝順傳家孝是寶,孝性溫和孝味甘
羊羔跪乳尚知孝,烏鴉反哺孝親顏 為人若是不知孝,不如禽獸實可憐
百行萬善孝為首,當知孝字是根源 念佛行善也是孝,孝仗佛力超九天
大哉孝乎大哉孝,孝矣無窮孝無邊 此篇句句不離孝,離孝人倫顛倒顛
念得十遍千個孝,念得百遍萬孝全 千遍萬遍常常念,消災免難百孝篇


Homemade Dish - Stir Fry Eggs with Bean Sprout and Dried Radish (蛋炒芽菜菜脯)

Homemade Dish
Stir Fry Eggs with Bean Sprout and Dried Radish (蛋炒芽菜菜脯)


1/2 tablespoon minced onion
50g preserved dried radish (rinsed and chopped)
250g bean sprouts (washed)
1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon soya sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce

1) Heat little oil in a fry pan.
2) Add onion and preserved dried radish till fragrant.
3) Add beaten eggs and fry it till fragrant.
4) Add bean sprouts.
5) Season with soya sauce, oyster sauce and dark soy sauce. Keep stirring till evenly mixed (5 mins)
6) Serve with rice. [Yummy Yummy !]

Homemade Dish - Rice Dumpling in Bamboo Leaves (Zongzhi)
A traditional Chinese recipe eaten during Dragon Boat Festival

Dumpling Recipe:


40 large dried bamboo leaves (2 for each zongzi)
20 long strings (for binding leaves) 
1 kg sticky rice
1 kg pork belly, cut into small cubes
5 salted duck's egg yolks
40 small dried mushrooms
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup rice wine 
200 g shelled peanuts 
Vegetable oil
5 cloves of garlic, roughly crushed
1 teaspoon black pepper
1-1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon five spice powder
1 tablespoon cooking oil.

Prepare and cook ingredients
  1. Soak rice in water for 1-2 hours and drain it. Put 1 tablespoon cooking oil and mix well. 
  2. Soak mushrooms until soft. Clean and trim stalks. Cut into 2 or 3 pieces.
  3. Stir-fry pork and mushroom together for a few minutes. Add soy sauce, rice wine, 1 teaspoon of sugar and five spice powder, bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 1/2 hour. Remove pork and mushroom from liquid and set aside.
  4. Pour the liquid (from pork and mushroom) into rice and mix well.
  5. Boil peanuts until tender (35 - 45minutes).
  6. Halve duck egg yolks.
Wrap zongzi
(Information: http://eatingchina.com/recipes/zongzi.htm)
  1. Soak bamboo leaves in warm water for 5 minutes to tenderise, before washing thoroughly in cold water.
  2. Wet strings to make them more pliable.
  3. Take 2 leaves with leaf stem or spine facing out. Overlap them lengthwise in inverse directions (pointed end of one leaf facing the rounded end of the other).
  4. With both hands hold leaves about 2/3rds of the way along their length. At that point bend them so that they are parallel lengthwise and also overlap. This should produce a leafpouch that you cup firmly in one hand.
  5. Add a small amount of rice mixture, compressing with a spoon.
  6. Add 1 piece each of pork, mushroom, duck egg yoke.
  7. Add more rice until you have nearly a full pouch. Compress firmly with a spoon.
  8. Fold leaves over the open top of zongzi, then around to side until zongzi is firmly wrapped. Zongzi should be pyramid shaped with sharp edges and pointed ends. Trim off any excess leaf with scissors.
  9. Tie up zongzi tightly just like shoes laces with a double knot. Normally they are tied to a bunch of zongzi.
  10. *Steam for 2 hour, unwrap and serve. [Yummy yummy ^^ ]


三寸天堂MV - 步步驚心片尾曲 (步步惊心片尾曲)


《金缕衣》- 杜秋娘

薛凯琪 Fiona Sit – BETTER ME

Chinese Song 华语好歌

薛凯琪 Fiona Sit – BETTER ME   

远   处  海  港   传    来  阵   阵   船    笛
yuǎn chù hái gǎng chuán lái zhèn zhèn chuán dí
我 一 直  飘   零   到  被  你 拣   起
wǒ yì zhí piāo líng dào bèi nǐ jiǎn qǐ
如 今  望   着  反  映   窗     户 玻 璃
rú jīn wàng zhe fǎn yìng chuāng hu bō li
有  个 我 陌 生    又  熟  悉
yǒu gè wǒ mò shēng yòu shú xī
I can Smile a little more
Sing a little more
Feel a little more
全   因  为  你
quán yīn wèi nǐ
说   好  了 要  为  幸   福   一 天   天   地 练   习
shuō hǎo le yào wéi xìng fú   yì tiān tiān dì liàn xí
练   习  Laugh a little more
liàn xí  Laugh a little more
Love myself a little more
要  学  会  更   加  善   待  我 自 己
yào xué huì gèng jiā shàn dài wǒ zì jǐ
为  你 我 变   成    了   Better me
wéi nǐ wǒ biàn chéng le   Better me
甚   麽 距 离 都  不 算   是  真   的 分  离
shèn me jù lí dōu bú suàn shì zhēn de fēn lí
想    念   和 默 契 能   代  替 一 切  言  语
xiǎng niàn hé mò qì néng dài tì yì qiè yán yǔ
有  一 天   生    命   会  老  去   还  好  谢  谢  有  你
yǒu yì tiān shēng mìng huì lǎo qù   hái hǎo xiè xiè yǒu nǐ
在  你 眼  中      I see the better in me
zài nǐ yǎn zhōng   I see the better in me
Coz I can Smile a little more
Sing a little more
Feel a little more   全   因  为  你
Feel a little more   quán yīn wèi nǐ
说   好  了 要  为  幸   福   一 天   天   地 练   习
shuō hǎo le yào wéi xìng fú   yì tiān tiān dì liàn xí
练   习  Laugh a little more
liàn xí  Laugh a little more
Love myself a little more
要  学  会  更   加  善   待  我 自 己
yào xué huì gèng jiā shàn dài wǒ zì jǐ
为  你 我 变   成    了   Better me
wéi nǐ wǒ biàn chéng le   Better me
就  是  那 麽 神   奇
jiù shì nà me shén qí
从   前   的 错  都  有  意 义
cóng qián de cuò dōu yǒu yì yì
教   我 抛  开  所  有  猜  疑   也 许
jiāo wǒ pāo kāi suó yǒu cāi yí   yé xǔ
我 也 美  丽   值  得 一 个 奇 蹟
wǒ yě měi lì   zhí dé yí gè qí jì
我 的 眼  泪  会  坠   落
wǒ de yǎn lèi huì zhuì luò
绝  不 是  因  为  懦  弱
jué bú shì yīn wèi nuò ruò
而 是  感  谢  天   让   我 遇 见   你
ér shì gǎn xiè tiān ràng wǒ yù jiàn nǐ
不 然  今  天   就  不 能     如 此 地 有  勇   气
bù rán jīn tiān jiù bù néng   rú cǐ dì yǒu yǒng qì
Now I promise to you
And I can swear to you
为  你 我   一 定   加  倍    珍   惜 * 我 自 己
wéi nǐ wǒ   yí dìng jiā bèi   zhēn xī * wǒ zì jǐ
做  一 个 值  得 你   骄   傲 的   Better me
zuò yí gè zhí dé nǐ   jiāo ào de   Better me
一 个 值  得 你   爱 的 Better me
yí gè zhí dé nǐ   ài de Better me

Story Day 生活点滴 - My iPhone (First Version)

Story Day 生活点滴 - My iPhone (First Version)

This is my current handphone - iPhone (First Version) which brought it from Hong Kong. It was already 4 years 3 months (Dec 2007 - April 2012) to follow me.

Steve Jobs' first iPhone creation.

Homemade Dishes 烹饪 - Prawn Sambal mixed with Rice

Homemade Dished - Prawn Sambal mixed with Rice

1 piece Fried Egg
2 tablespoon Prawn Sambal
1 teaspoon Oil
2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 bowl of rice

1) Mix all the ingredients with warm rice (1 bowl).
2) Serve it with fried egg.

Remark: Prawn sambal is my uncle's recipe. (Yummy & delicious)

Homemade Dishes 烹饪 - Cucumber + Prawn Sambal

ade Dishes - Cucumber + Prawn Sambal

1 Cucumber
1 tablespoon Prawn Sambal
1 teaspoon Soy sauce
1 teaspoon Sugar

1) Combine all ingredients and mix well.
2) Let it marinade 30 minutes and serve it with rice.

Story Day 生活点滴 - Buddhist Chant - Heart Sutra

Buddhist Chant - Heart Sutra





Save Malaysia Stop Lynas (from Melbourne)
We are oversea Malaysians, Australian born Malaysians and local Australians from Melbourne standing in support of the Himpunan Hijau 2.0 back in
Malaysia. We want Lynas out! We want Malaysia free!


We are Malaysians who currently work in Singapore.
We love to see MALAYSIA peaceful & clean, as she used to be.
We believe the Lynas plant is built according strict regulations. BUT who can assure 100% safety? Even the water leaks from the roof of Parliament building, who to say the radioactive waste will not leak in years to come? Even a 0.001% of possibility may stand a chance to do the damage. Water leaking from the roof can be solved. WHAT IF the radioactive materials mishandling by human error? Thousands of nearby residents including pregnant women and children will be affected. SO, Y U NO STOP LYNAS???


We are from National Taiwan University of Arts !




KUANTAN: A big crowd has gathered at the MPK4 field here for the Himpunan Hijau 2.0 anti-Lynas rare earth plant protest.

The protestors, most of them in light green attire, were assembling at various locations leading to the field before marching there in groups.

Protestors buying anti-rare earth merchandise at the field

Police were stationed at all entry points leading to the field. A police helicopter was seen monitoring the situation from the air.

By 9am, the gathering turned into a carnival-like atmosphere with people beating drums and others cycling to the field to join the protest.

Many were seen in attire with the words "Stop Lynas" printed on them.

In Kuala Lumpur, a group of people gathered at Maju Junction to show their support for the anti-Lynas protest, singing Rasa Sayang and Heal The World. They chanted slogans like "Stop Lynas, Save Malaysia".

In Sibu, a group gathered at the Sibu Friendship Association to show their support.

In Ipoh, a group of people gathered at the former Asian Rare Earth Sdn Bhd (ARE) site in Bukit Merah to express their solidarity with the Anti-Lynas protesters in Kuantan.

Among the Anti-Lynas protesters in Kuantan. - PDRM photo

The group gathered at 11am to hear a short speech from Perak Anti Radioactive Action Committee (Parac) chairman Hew Yoon Tat before standing along Jalan Lahat, holding up banners and chanting slogans such as Stop Lynas' and Save Malaysia'.

The crowd dispersed at 12.10pm. Also present were Menglembu assemblyman Lim Pek Har, Batu Gajah MP Fong Po Kuan, Sungai Siput MP Dr D. Michael Jeyakumar, Tebing Tinggi assemblyman Ong Boon Piow and Gopeng MP Dr Lee Boon Chye.

In George Town, a war of words broke out between two groups gathered at Speakers Square over the Lynas Corp plant.

One group chanted Henti Lynas' (Stop Lynas) while the other shouted 'We want Lynas'. Several minor scuffles ensued but police brought the situation under control.

Several people, including two reporters from Kwong Wah Yit Poh, were hit on the head with helmets during the scuffles.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng arrived about 6.30pm and proceeded to lead the chants of Henti Lynas, Selamatkan Malaysia'.

He said Speakers Square was a free place for people to gather before leaving about 7pm.

The following is a timeline of the events:

11.30: The organisers announce end of rally and ask the crowd to disperse. The crowd leaves as it begins to drizzles.

11.20am: Anwar tells crowd that PR will cancel the Lynas project once they take over Putrajaya, will defend all environment and heritage issues.

Protestors lay on the road at Maju Junction. AZMAN GHANI/ The Star

11.00am: Protestors observe a minute's silence. Bersih 2.0 chairman Datuk S. Ambiga tells the crowd that Malaysians reject Lynas and those who support the project.

10.50am: Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim arrives.

10.25am: DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang and Selangor MB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim arrive at the gathering.

MCA's Indera Mahkota Youth chairman David Choi arrives, says he came "together with our families, there are about 50 of us here."

10.20am: The protestors sing Suara Rakyat. Hishammudin Rais takes the microphone to give a speech.

10:10:am: A. Samad Said reads a poem titled "Gebeng Yang Luka" to the crowd.

9.45am: The rally gets underway with the singing of the Negaraku by the protestors, led by activist Hishamuddin Rais.

9.15am: Crowd cheers every time a group arrives at the field.

9.00am: Big crowd at the field chanting anti-Lynas slogans. National laurette A. Samad Said, PKR leaders R. Sivarasa, N. Surendran, PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub and Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh seen at the field.

It is a carnival atmosphere with some people beating drums as more people march into the field. Several protestors cycle to the field.

8.20am: Crowd and traffic jam starting to build up at the field.

8.15am: Scattered groups of protesters seen walking along Jalan Datuk Wong Ah Jang towards the field after having breakfast at stalls nearby. Traffic cops monitoring situation at strategic places.

8am: People starting to assemble in front of Megaview Hotel, some 2km away from the MPK4 field, the venue of the protest venue, among them is national laureate A. Samad Said.